Making a Conscious Ejaculation Decision

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It’s Your Hand On The Controls
When you are masturbating, there is always a moment before ejaculation occurs when you know you can stop the stimulation to avoid it, or keep on stroking.
It’s your hand, on your penis. So it’s pretty safe to say you are the one in the room making the decision to ejaculate, rather than letting go of your dick and backing off from your PONR.
The first step along the road of ejaculation control is to start making ejaculation a conscious decision while masturbating.
I say “conscious,” because if you listen closely enough while you are masturbating, you will hear a little voice in your head say, “Okay dude. That’s it. I’m letting it rip.” Every time.
I’ve had many men tell me they can’t seem to stop stimulating themselves to ejaculation when masturbating. “I cannot stop” is another way of saying “I do not want to stop stroking.”
Reclaim Your Power
It’s not so much that we cannot control our ejaculation, as much as it is being able to mentally fend-off the intense pull of the pleasures of ejaculation, whether with a woman, or on our own.
This is why the mental aspect of ejaculation control is so important.
To begin reclaiming your power over your ejaculation, you need to acknowledge that you are making the decision to ejaculate while masturbating.
Starting now, make the commitment to yourself that when masturbating, you will consciously decide whether or not to ejaculate, and you will acknowledge that you are the one in control.
Eventually you will consciously make the decision to ejaculate every time, whether with a partner or on your own. But first, you need to discover what part your decision-making power plays in ejaculation in general, but with masturbation in particular.
With masturbation there is no one to blame here but yourself.
Set The Alarm
To get serious about your commitment to overcome involuntary, quick, premature ejaculation and learn take control over your ejaculatory system, you are going to practise saying NO! to ejaculation while masturbating.
It matters not if it takes you 3 strokes or 300 to ejaculate, you will make the decision to stop stroking yourself before you hit the PONR. Over and over and over again.
You will practise doing this for a minimum of 15 minutes before you make the decision to ejaculate. More is definitely better here, so challenge yourself! Go for as long as you can. All day?
- You will set a timer for 15 minutes.
- You will not ejaculate before it rings.
- You will not challenge your edge at this time.
- You will not take any chances.
- You will play it very safe, consistently keeping your edge far, far away from your PONR.
- You will commit to masturbating with an excited, hard, straining erection screaming for ejaculatory release, without giving in to its Siren call.
If you find it difficult to pull away from the imminent pleasures of ejaculation whilst masturbating, what can you possibly expect from yourself when with a woman?
Your #1 Priority During Sex
Building the mental fortitude to acknowledge, and then follow through on your decision to hold off ejaculating during masturbation, is the all-important first step in controlling your ejaculation during sexual intercourse with a woman.
If you want to have sex for pleasure, rather than procreation, then nature has set it up so that you must defeat the biological urge to ejaculate for the first 20 minutes of erection. Relief does arrive at the Magical 20-Minute Mark, but until then supreme mental fortitude is required.
The bombardment of intensely pleasurably sensations when having intercourse with a woman certainly stacks the deck in nature’s favour! You will be required to draw upon all of the mental strength gained through your masturbatory training to mentally withstand it.
During intercourse it is much harder to hear the decision being made, but it is there. Even if the decision is in the guise of clearly knowing that jabbing your dick inside of her and pumping away will make you ejaculate, and you do it anyhow.
Strong Mental Foundation
Gaining the mental strength to hold off in the moment, under duress, with every cell in your body and thought in your mind doing their best to convince you that ejaculating is a good idea, is the basis upon which ejaculation control is established.
You will not be able to effectively implement the physiological and technical defensive measures without the mental commitment to hold off.
The amount of time you spend having intercourse before you consciously make the decision to ejaculate is not as important as the act of making the decision itself.
It is a good idea to set achievable time goals for yourself. Start with 3 minutes of intercourse, if you think it’s doable. Your goal is the Magical 20-Minute Mark.
1st Personal Milestone of Masculine Sexual Energy
The first time you hear yourself say, “NO! Not yet,” during intercourse, and then successfully follow through in avoiding ejaculation, is a time to celebrate indeed! This is you taking control of your body, your sex life, and your life in general.
On the road to achieving conscious ejaculation release during intercourse, you will encounter many slippery surfaces, deadly curves, and fast straight-aways too tempting to avoid, all of which will cause you to crash and blow-up spectacularly!
When you are unsuccessful at sticking to your decision, or you go over your PONR for other reasons, pay no more heed to these than you would if playing a video game. And be sure to have as much perseverance as you do when playing video games, allowing yourself to crash and burn over and over and over, until you get it right!
One of the great sexual pleasures a man can feel, is having conscious control over his own ejaculatory system. To get there, you must lead the way with your firm mental commitment.