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How to Build Sexual Energy, Soprano-Style

Building sexual energy is key to ejaculation control.

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Expert advice on building sexual energy on the TV series The Sopranos?

I nearly chocked on my cannoli during Season 4, Episode 6, when Anthony Junior’s friend explains it to him:

“The thing is to keep knockin’ on the door without goin’ in right away. You gotta poke the perimeter and tap on the gate until she’s outta’ her fuckin’ mind and beggin’! Then you own that shit, and that pussy’s yours!”

Men, all I can say is, “Yes, yes, yes, and more yes!”

That’s what I’m talkin’ about! What he’s saying is, build up the sexual energy by teasing and tormenting her to the point where she is outta’ her fuckin’ mind with sexual desire, before you even think about entering her for intercourse.

So many of you just want to strip down, stick it in, and start pumping away like a jackhammer. And you wonder why it is you have issues with premature ejaculation?

The entire event is premature.

Wouldn’t you like to spend a bit of time here?

Poking at the perimeter and tapping on the gate is the formula. And it works. Building sexual energy is what you are supposed to be doing when having sex, not “giving her an orgasm.”

Your sexual encounter is not about shoving your dick in and pumping away until you ejaculate. Creating sexual energy is done by teasing, playing, tempting, and my favourite: tormenting! With pleasure, of course.

Once you understand this, your sexual encounters head in entirely new directions. All of them heading away from unwanted, fast ejaculation, toward authentic sexual expression and ejaculation control.

What do women want?

As men we believe that in order to satisfy a woman sexually we must give her what she wants.

But good sex is not about giving her what she wants: It’s about making her want more. Rather than satisfying her need, you want to be amplifying her need!

Having her in a state of wanting is not a place to be feared, but a place to be sought out.

That is where you want to go with her. And you start off by taking a good long time knocking at the door, and poking at the perimeter until she’s outta’ her fuckin’ mind and beggin’.

And then make her wait a little longer.

That, good sirs, is how you build sexual energy, desire, excitation.

It’s also how you get past the first 10 minutes of sex.

Ejaculation Control Will Show You The Way

Taking your time before going in, and using slow entry techniques when you are ready to do so, serves two vital purposes:

  • you get to acclimate your penis to her vagina, calm yourself down in your struggle to maintain ejaculation control, while
  • she gets teased, toyed with, and as heated up as you possibly can get her.

Your pace is set by nothing other than how close or far you are from you Point Of No Return (PONR). That is your #1 Priority during sex from this point forward.

Remember: As long as you keep your ejaculation inside your body, you are locked, loaded, and ready for action.

Do not give in her to pleas – relish them! Do not give way to the temptation of hard and fast – it won’t end well!

Take things as slowly as you must to maintain control.

In this way your sexual encounters will expand. You will start to move beyond pumping, discovering many new and sexy ways to express your authentic sexual desires.

Be sure to make her squirm, squeal, and shred your back for more, while dong so!

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