Pro Tips For Tip Conditioning: The “Slow-gasm” Challenge

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I hear from many of you that it is a challenge to stop yourself from going over the edge of your Point Of No Return (PONR), even while masturbating.
The first and most important rule of ejaculation control is: If you want to stop charging toward your PONR, you must change the stimulation being applied to your penis. Do not keep doing what you are doing!
This is true for both masturbation, and during sexual intercourse.
Masturbation is Your Re-Training Ground
Most of us are used to charging full-speed ahead toward ejaculation when we masturbate. With so much practise, we are able to ejaculate quickly and efficiently.
When we start having sex with women, we discover that we still charge full-speed ahead. We arrive at the edge of our PONR almost immediately, having to slam on the brakes full force, usually too late.
Using masturbation, you are going to practise:
- slowing the charge to your PONR
- balancing on your edge for longer
- retreating from your PONR gradually
- decreasing the stimulation by degrees
What you are going to practise is not charging so far, so fast, and then slamming on the brakes so drastically.
You want to smooth out the ride.
Tease, torment, and Torture Yourself With Pleasure!
Of all the stimulating you do during masturbation, it is during the moments when you are struggling with control that real progress is made.
Ideally you are right on the edge of your PONR for 15 minutes or more. It is while teetering precariously on your edge that you get to experience the very fine muscle control required to pull back safely.
This is the where you discover when to clench, when to release, how breathing works, where you are tensing, what must be relaxed, etc.
If you are stroking yourself when you are not very stimulated, and you are not struggling with control, then you are not making gains. This would be like lifting very light weights at the gym.
The more you can get yourself really revved and sexually stimulated, with a raging boner which is right on the edge of explosion, and the longer you can stay that way, the better your advances with ejaculation control.
The Tip is The Trigger
Ejaculation usually requires stimulation to the head of the penis. When you are close to ejaculation and need to pull back, use a “Tip-Down” approach to decreasing stimulation.
See if you can relax and regain control just by avoiding direct tip stimulation when stroking. You can tease yourself with “indirect” touches: the edge of your finger touches the edge of your very sensitive penis head.
If this is too much, then stroke yourself, but avoid all tip stimulation.
And if even this is too much, then stop touching your penis entirely.
Your goal is to stimulate yourself in some kind of way, no matter how small or light, all the way through your masturbation.
It Matters How You Stroke
When having sexual intercourse, or when masturbating, how you pump or stroke your penis will have a direct correlation with your ability to control your ejaculation.
Stimulation to ejaculation usually consists of:
- fast, continuous strokes
- stimulation to the tip
- hard, firm grip
- persistent pressure to key spots
The above types of stimulation are to be avoided when you are close to your edge. Replace these ejaculation-inducing strokes with movements which make it easier to control your ejaculation.
Reduce and modify:
- the speed that you are pumping during intercourse/stroking during masturbation
- the intensity with which you are pumping, i.e. how hard the thrusts/strokes
- the depth to which you are pumping: instead of stroking from base to tip, explore using shorter strokes
You will also do this when having sexual intercourse.
Remember to take the other recommended actions of relaxing anus, bulbospongiosus muscle, abdomen, with special attention to breathing, and making a moaning sound upon exhalation to reduce and release the energy.
At first you will have to remind yourself to change your pumping action. Eventually it will become your natural way of having sex, and you won’t think about it at all.
Building Up Your Sex Callouses
You are going to become the world’s meanest, nastiest, most ruthless cock-teasing, boner-pleasing Sadist on earth!
If all goes well you will bring yourself to tears, begging and pleading for just two quick, hard strokes so you can fall blissfully over your edge.
Always start off masturbation training by setting a timer: 15 minutes minimum, more is better. Don’t just glance at a clock. I mean set an actual timer and wait for it to ring. Do not ejaculate one nano second before!
To touch your tip to toughen it and get used to stimulation when close to your PONR, explore:
- teasing, soft, ticklish touches
- use slow rubbing, rather than stroking
- touch just below the tip, with slight, periodic direct stimulation
- combine tip touches with touching other parts of your body
- no fast strokes
- no hard pressure
- no intense stimulation
Take the “Slow-gasm” Challenge
Direct training of your tip in this way will help with over-sensitivity, help you find better balance when teetering on the edge, enable you to practise experiencing much greater levels of pleasure on your tip, so you can better withstand the pressures of penis-in-vagina sex when with her.
When it does come time to reward yourself with ejaculation, rather than reverting back to jerking hard and fast, experiment with having a slow-gasm.
A slow-gasm is a very slow orgasm. The challenge is to see how softly and gently and slowly you can touch yourself so that you idly and incidentally drift over the edge.
When it does cum time to blow:
- see how long you can gently, softly, ever-so-slowly tease, coax, entice the tip of your dick so that you can feel every muscle in your system start to tense and inch their way toward ejaculation.
- rather than ejaculation “just happening,” try to make it happen in slow-motion
- make the “good ejaculatory feelings” build so slowly that it seems to be taking forever to go over the edge
- teeter on the edge as long as possible, keeping the stimulation at levels just high enough to stimulate toward ejaculation, but not push you over too quickly
- feel yourself slip over the PONR as if in slow motion, touching yourself so softly that you literally drip and ooze and slide your way over the waterfall of ejaculation
- for those of you into reverse Kegels, see if you can reverse Kegel your way to ejaculation.
Premature Ejaculation No More!
By learning how to slow the trajectory toward your PONR, and by practising how to hang out on its furthest edge while maintaining stimulation, you will be building your capacity to hold and maintain larger amounts of sexual energy. This is sexual energy body building of the supreme kind.
Building sexual energy is your goal. The more sexual energy you can build, hold, and maintain, the more you have to express during sex, which means far greater levels of pleasure, for both you and her!
Be merciless with yourself. Because no matter how hard you go, nothing can replicate the intensity of game day!