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I have over 12 years of experience offering support, guidance, and counselling on issues regarding ejaculation control (premature / quick / uncontrolled ejaculation), sex, sexual expression, relationships, sexual identity, and sexuality.

I offer free, no-strings-attached initial consultations by phone.

You can also send me an email: with questions, comments, or just to say “Hi!”

I look forward to hearing from you!


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With my entire adult sex life on the line, failure was not an option!

As a young man of 18 with my first all-the-way girlfriend, I discovered I had no idea how to control my ejaculation. Unable to prevent quick, premature ejaculations within one minute of intercourse, I stopped seeing this gorgeous woman.

I stopped wanting to have sex, even though it was all I could think about, and I was sent into a deep depression, as I believed premature ejaculation was a life-long affliction which was going to ruin my much-anticipated sex life forever, and it had just begun!

Fortunately, I was very wrong.

You do not need to go through the same anguish and torment I did. I have written these books to save you many years of personal unhappiness, heartache and despair.

You are not alone in your struggle with ejaculation control. Every man has to go through the process of acclimating his penis to the overwhelmingly ejaculation-inducing experience of being enveloped by the sweetest sensation known to man: a woman’s warm, wet, wanting vagina.

After years of masturbating with the sole goal of making yourself feel good by ejaculating as quickly and efficiently as possible, what would you expect to happen the first time you plunge your straining erection into a real, live, sexy-as-hell, flesh-and-blood woman?

You got it: instant explosion.

This does not make you a premature ejaculator. It does make you a newbie, a neophyte, novice, new initiate into the world of man/woman sexual intercourse.

Contrary to what you might think, ejaculation control is not something you are born with, anymore than you are born knowing how to hold a pencil, skateboard, use a pair of chopsticks, or even ejaculate.

You probably don’t remember teaching yourself how to ejaculate, but you did. And then you practised getting good at it. And you did. And now you will practise controlling it. And you will.

To the men who are adamant that they cannot learn to control their ejaculation, I give you the words of Henry Ford, “Whether you believe you can, or you believe you cannot, you are right either way.”

Learning ejaculation control requires the same patience, determination, practise and perseverance as any other physical manipulation you choose to learn.

The first time you try a pair of chopsticks, the simple task of picking up a piece of food seems insurmountable. “It’s not possible!” you may scream, although the 2 billion people from a variety of Asian cultures who use them daily would disagree.

I do not need to tell you what is at stake here by choosing to master ejaculation control, what is on the line: your lifelong sexual satisfaction, personal fulfillment, and relationship success are all predicated upon this one physical manipulation.

If you feel as if you cannot sexually satisfy your woman, you will never be able to sleep easily by her side.

I don’t know about you, but with so much of your personal satisfaction hanging in the balance, I would sit at the table every day, day after day after day until I bloody well learned how to use chopsticks!

And so I did. And so will you, I hope.

There is no need for creams, balms, lotions, pills, or sprays to master ejaculation control, unless  you simply refuse to learn, choosing instead to define yourself as a life-long premature ejaculator without any hope of being anything else.

It is time to tackle this problem head-on, right now, with the knowledge and guidance in these books, along with practise and determination.

Because the alternative is to give up, give in, give way, and that is no alternative at all.

Reliable Guide, Mentor, Teacher
I’m here as a reliable guide, support, therapist and counsellor for men dealing with issues around ejaculation control, erectile dysfunction, intercourse and intimacy issues, and all manner of authentic sexual expression.

As we all know, there are endless volumes and entire sections of bookstores devoted to female sexuality, but there are very few resources for men.

One of the main reasons men have issues around ejaculation control, intercourse, and sexual expression in general, is this lack of suitable, reliable resources.

As stated, most men (and women too) learn about sex by watching porn. This is like learning to drive by watching the Fast and Furious movies!

There is virtually no modelling for proper fucking, proper sexual relations between men and women. Portrayals on TV and in movies verge on the ridiculous, as entire love scenes, from first kiss to final orgasms, are 3-4 minutes long, and quite often without people having to remove their underwear!

There is much to discover, much to learn, much to explore once you are headed in the right direction.

I am here to help you with that.

I began counselling in 2010, and have been doing it ever since. I’m a sex positive person. I value sexual exploration at every stage of life. I put no limits on sexual expression, and make no judgements on it. I believe in the freedom to explore any sexual behaviour between consenting adults, or peers.

I can help you with your issues.

I do my best to accommodate your scheduling needs. I offer sessions at all hours every day of the week.

I offer phone and Skype sessions, with/without video (up to you).

Sessions run 60 – 70 minutes and cost $140 for a single session.
$400 for 4 sessions and all subsequent sessions if paid in advance.
I offer a sliding scale for those in financial need. Please let me know what you can afford.

Please send me an email: to book a session.

I also offer free, introductory consultations.

I look forward to working with you!


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My Handle: properfckr

r/ejaculationcontrolNow is a community of men learning how to control their ejaculation during sexual intercourse.

If you are struggling with early, unwanted, involuntary, OKA premature ejaculation, Reddit is a great place to find solutions and share helpful information.

On Reddit you can ask questions, share your own experiences and read about other men’s, find helpful tips and sustainable, drug-free solutions to your own ejaculation control issues.

Ejaculation control is something every man must learn to do. It’s not something that just happens, unlike ejaculation! When you see that there are many others going through the same experiences as you are with ejaculation control during sexual intercourse, you will not feel so alone, or so bad.

In this subReddit we discuss the Three Pillars of Ejaculation Control, Mental, Physiological, and Technical, which will enable you to discover why it is you ejaculate quickly, and what you can do about it.

You will be able to make immediate changes to the way you go about having sex and intercourse, which will improve your experiences immensely, and hers as well!

Besides my subReddit ejaculationcontrolNOW, I also comment frequently about issues like erectile dysfunction, Tantric sex, healthy relationship issues, sexual identity confusion, solo travel, and more.

Looking forward to seeing you on Reddit!

Kind Regards,


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This series will take you from a premature ejaculator who does not know what he's supposed to be doing during sex, into a man who takes the lead, and is multi-orgasmic!

I have had the unique privilege of watching many other people have sex, up close and in person. I have been invited into the bedrooms of other couples, as well as to private sex parties and the play rooms of many events.

The last seven years of my twenty-three year marriage to my first wife were spent openly exploring every form of sex and sexual expression we could find. We were like born-again teenagers, sneaking around the city to destinations unknown, where we’d fuck and suck our nights away.

I participated in a huge array of sexual scenarios involving every imaginable form of sexual expression-and some unimaginable too!-both as a single, bisexual man and as a married man in an open marriage to a woman I have watched other men fuck my wife, as they have watched me fuck theirs.

I’ve had threesomes, foursomes, and moresomes. I have attended swingers events, gay/straight/queer/alt kink and fetish events, dance parties, and Whistler Weekend Takeovers, where the entire hotel was closed to everyone but 200 people running around having sex.

I have also had the privilege of being invited into other peoples” sex lives through my work as a counsellor, therapist, writer, workshop facilitator, and group leader specializing in issues around sex and sexuality.

Although I had been practising ejaculation control for many years, it was only after we opened our marriage and I began to see other people having sex firsthand, sometimes with my own wife, that I began testing out my theories, comparing and contrasting what I was witnessing, experiencing, and hearing from other people.

Everything in these books has been field tested by myself, sometimes under the most grueling of conditions.

For the Whistler Weekend Takeover parties I would have one final ejaculation on the Thursday before the Friday afternoon, when it began. I would spend the entire day Friday fucking, including Friday night, and continuing into Saturday morning.

Play parties and all kinds of shenanigans ran all day long, into the night, and throughout the weekend. Despite all the heavy sexual play-and because of it!-I would not let myself ejaculate until we were back home, Monday noonish.

By this point it would often take me three or more ejaculations to get it all out of my system, with only a few minutes required between them before I was up and running again.

I have gone for up to three weeks of having regular, heated, passionate sex without ejaculating. I did this as part of my own exploration to the far reaches of my sexual energy.

I mention this here not to brag, but as an example of what is possible and what you are capable of. I urge you to begin your own explorations of sexual energy and authentic sexual expression.

Reading these guides is your first step along this journey.

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