Unwanted Ejaculation VS Premature Ejaculation

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At the tender age of 18, with my first full-fledged sexual relationship with the woman of my dreams, I discovered that I was a premature ejaculator.
During the intervening 40+ years, I have also discovered that I was not a premature ejaculator: I simply did not know how to control my ejaculation.
My ejaculations back then, possibly like yours now, were not “premature ejaculations”, but rather, “right on time ejaculations”.
The term “premature ejaculator” is steeped in shame and stigma. Rather than seeing it as a challenge you have, which can be changed, “premature ejaculation” implies this is a flaw within your character: A stain upon you as a man.
I use the term “unwanted ejaculation” to clarify that this is something within your control. And it something you can change, from unwanted ejaculations, to having them at the precise moment you want.
You Have The Guidance I Did Not
Back in those pre-internet days I searched every library and source I could find on ejaculation control and premature ejaculation. There was very little, and none of any value.
It was then that I began to face my premature ejaculation head-on, determined to gain control of my ejaculatory process, and my sex life.
The information in the series is what I had needed then – and I daresay what I still rely upon with every new sexual encounter to this day.
The main reason why men have issues with unwanted ejaculations is because we have never been shown how to properly fuck.
What you will discover within these books is that proper fucking and ejaculation control are one in the same.
Every man can learn to control his ejaculation. But no amount of tantric exercises or strengthening of the bulbospongiosus muscle will enable you to gain control over your perceived premature ejaculation condition until and unless you include the technical and mental aspects.
As discussed in these books, ejaculation is the release valve of sexual energy. Once you’ve had a spine-tingling ejaculation, you are relieved of sexual desire, and your erection goes away, even if only for a little while.
Gain Control Of Your Sex Life
Learning to control your ejaculation means learning to control your masculine sexual energy, and instead of releasing it, you will learn to build it to levels far beyond ejaculation, to experience sexual pleasures far beyond which you (or her!) have ever known through shooting your load.
You will begin to control your ejaculation through the methods explored in these books. Combining proper fucking techniques with sexual energy management will lead you to your prime objective: building sexual energy between you and your girl during intercourse. Without ejaculating.
What you will discover is that men are multi-orgasmic: we can have orgasms without ejaculating. Yes you heard me correctly: men can experience toe-curling orgasms without ejaculation, and therefore without losing their erections!
The Post-Ejaculatory Man is one who experiences pleasure far beyond which he can through ejaculation. By holding your ejaculation you can fuck for hours, experiencing orgasms of all varieties and intensities along the way.
How sweet it is!
Forget the terms “unwanted ejaculation” or “premature ejaculation”, and trade them in for confidence, satisfaction, connection, and intimacy. All this awaits you as the new Post-Ejaculatory Man.
No matter how wild, sexy, or freaky they may be, your future partners will thank you.
Your multi-orgasmic future self awaits.