Take The Magical 20-Minute Mark Challenge

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When we’re struggling with premature ejaculation, or what I refer to as unwanted or involuntary ejaculation, the grinding, gnawing, relentless pull to ejaculate can defeat us within the first few minutes of sexual intercourse.
Will this overwhelming sensation to give in, give way, let go and release my ejaculation ever cease?
Yes! You will be rewarded for every second of struggle and effort you put in to holding back your ejaculation and pushing through to the Magical 20-Minute Mark of sex and erection.
It is one of nature’s cruelest jokes that the first few minutes of sexual stimulation are the most sensitive for a man’s penis. The danger zone is from early erection, to fully erect and throbbing hard.
This is when the nerve-endings and engorging tissues of your penis are having an absolutely wild party of good sensation and sweet vibration! Every muscle in your body and thought in your mind have also come along for this non-stop joyride to ejaculation.
Fortune Favors the Brave
Yes, nature wants you to ejaculate and procreate. However for anyone looking to focus on the pleasurable side of the human body, the sensual, sexual side of our physical nature, there is a pot of gold waiting at the end of the ejaculation control rainbow.
After approximately 20 continuous minutes of having a straining, relentlessly on-the-verge-of-ejaculating erection, your party-going nerve-endings begin passing out on floor, burnt out and exhausted from all their crazy revelry.
Your well-deserved and hard-fought efforts are rewarded with nature’s own remedy for ejaculation control: You will begin to feel like a natural numbing cream has been applied to your penis: The pressure to ejaculate eases off noticeably; you will drop down a level or two in sensitivity.
You will also notice your erection gets locked-in as your body’s natural Viagra-like drug kicks in. At this point you can go downstairs to get a glass of water for your girl, and return with a tea towel hanging from your dick, as your erection feels like it is set in stone.
Join the 5% Club!
Only 5% of men ever discover the benefits of prolonged erection and sexual intercourse beyond the Magical 20-Minute Mark (M20-MM), because the others never get there. Most premature ejaculations occur within the first few minutes of sexual intercourse.
Nature’s own remedy for ejaculation control is also her best kept secret: The longer you have sexual intercourse, the easier it gets. And the more you practise holding on to your ejaculation and struggling for control beyond the M20-MM, the better you will get at controlling your ejaculation, naturally.
Doing this without pills, creams, or lotions will enable you to reap the many benefits of natural ejaculation control.
Because if you can learn to control your ejaculation naturally, using the techniques in these books to push through those first 20 minutes of sex and intercourse, you will pass through a little-known doorway to the world beyond the M20-MM.
Buy Book One on Amazon > or Google Play > or iTunes >
This is the post-ejaculatory realm, where men and women join their forces of masculine and feminine sexual energies to create multi-orgasmic sexual experiences. It is after 20 minutes of erection and intercourse when men begin to experience the early orgasmic sensations which develop into full-blow non-ejaculatory, tantric, internal orgasms.
The difference between non-ejaculatory orgasms and ejaculating, is that you will not lose your erection after a non-ejaculatory orgasm because you do not do not release your sexual energy through ejaculation.
In fact, you can keep building sexual energy all night long.
Your #1 Goal During Sexual Intercourse
The Magical 20-Minute Mark is the starting point for becoming a multi-orgasmic man. It’s also when women begin feeling deeper levels of orgasm. It takes at least 20 minutes of fucking to build enough sexual energy to reach deeper levels of connection, intimacy, and pleasure.
By making the decision to hold off – no matter what! – you commit yourself to crossing the threshold to the world of the Post-Ejaculatory Man.
In Book One, I define a proper fucking as beginning at the M20-MM.
“Men need to cool down and hold off, so that women can heat up and get off.”
Book One: I’ve Stuck It In. Now What?
Start The Magical 20-Minute Mark Challenge Today!
Going beyond the Magical 20-Minute Mark is Personal Milestone #2. By the end of Book One, you will be challenging – and succeeding! – in having intercourse beyond the M20-MM.
As you begin to make your way through these four personal milestones, on your way to becoming the new Post-Ejaculatory Man, you will learn to build and hold much greater levels of sexual energy in your body.
But that’s not all that happens. Here is a list of some of the many benefits waiting for you once you learn to control your ejaculation and begin to have intercourse beyond The Magical 20-Minute Mark (far beyond!):
• Make the leap from a guy who has sex, to a great lover who understands sexual energy
• Able to have intercourse freely for multiple sessions over extended periods of time
• Able to hold much greater amounts of sexual energy, which means greater amounts of sexual pleasure – both yours and hers!
• Meet and exceed her sexual energy by remaining fully present, excited, and interested
• Begin to feel and experience the intensity of strong emotional connection which lies beneath the sex act
• Have your partner discover new depths of excitement, satisfaction, and yes, orgasm!
As if all of this is not great enough, there’s one last benefit which may interest you: Sexual pleasures beyond that which you have ever experienced!
Start with Book One: I’ve Stuck It In. Now What? today!